Tuesday, June 29, 2010

just a typical 2 year old...right?

The smell of apple cider vinegar is burning my nostrils and making my stomach churn as I write this. Yesterdays messes were minor in comparison to today…and it only 3 o’clock. Yesterday Elijah painted with jello powder, which fortunately turned out to be pudding powder across the kitchen floor and rug. Hours later (with much happening in between) he again “painted” with Suisse mocha powder-a whole can of it both of which Chloe had put into his ever growing reach.
Today our morning began rather calm, well what I can remember of it, before my caffeine drip was started. Within an hour of my husband leaving for work Elijah tore off his diaper and streaked through the house….it was a poopy diaper, need I say more? After bathing him and removing the sheets from his bed, that he jumped on as I chased him down, I dried and clothed him then went to tend to Addie. No sooner then I sat down with her, Elijah grabbed the Rice Crispies which Chloe had (again) just set in his reach and proceeded to dump the entire family size box. As I set down Addie and headed to clean it, Elijah rushed to hit it all off the table and across the living room and kitchen…all 1 pound and 2 oz of puffed rice crispiness flew with ease to the far reaches of each room.
Later Addie was peacefully sleeping in her swing as I began setting up the blog, when Elijah attempted to pull her out roughly-he loves taking care of “my (his) Addie” unfortunately he has yet to learn gentleness. I leapt across the room- with the speed but none of the gracefulness of a gazelle- to stop him, at which point he ran across the room with the speed of a cheetah to get the computer. Juggling baby and phone (Bobby had called) I chased him down and got the computer too. Elijah ran off to tear off his poopy diaper…yes, again (I think he found a stash of old food in his toys)! Fast forward a little and Addie is napping and I am back on the computer trying to start this blog, I ask Chloe to get Elijah juice, a few minutes later I hear him dump out liquid in the kitchen. Chloe tells me he spilled his juice. Moments later I am assaulted by the intense smell of vinegar “did you give him pickles?” I ask. “No, just juice,” Chloe states, then Elijah comes in the room spitting. As I go to clean the spill “Chloe it really smells like vinegar!” “Well I gave him that apple cider vinegar juice.” “YOU WHAT?!?!”….yeah Id spit too! Her reply was, “well Daddy drinks it!”
…Silence, that is never good…He just figured out he can use his cubbies and stack them to reach things GREAT!...things like my camera and deodorant….and he stripped off his diaper again! Okay, got it on and found he had bit the end of a sippy cup straw off and was chewing on it...Mom I know you are laughing right now!
Well only 5 more hours left in his day, we shall see what adventures become of it!

Whats this blog and who are you to write one?

My name is Cherish and I am the wife of an amazing man of God, who loves me very much (just to brag a little)! Bobby is a hair stylist and a great one of that! We have three beautiful children; Chloe, Elijah and Addalene. As a family we hope to foster children (despite the craziness of our day to day lives). We feel the children in the foster care system are the ones who need shown the love of God and parents more than anyone, and I would love to be an old lady one day who tells people “I have 125 kids” then pull out a photo book and show everyone whether they want to see it or not! Oh and we have a dog named Opi, though he is the size of a small horse, and a few cats that are our snake deterrent system.

I love creating things and lately that has been in the form of sewing, which I self taught last July. Not to brag but I am told I am a great cook, seamstress, writer, and mother-and improving on my photography. I am starting this blog because so often people say they don't know how I do it and make references to "supermom"(occasionally)...so NOT true! Here I hope to share some tips and tricks, but mostly to show the madness that is my house. I hope when you are having a stressful day you can come here and get a good laugh out of my day. Or if you’re feeling crafty and needing ideas maybe pick a few of mine, and of course change it up and make it your own! Need a yummy dinner-I’ll get that on here too (eventually).

Here is a little about my kids;

Chloe will be 8 the end of July, she is gorgeous and turning into a young lady more everyday (and that scares me!). Chloe excels in reading and math and science…and anything she puts her mind to-it comes easy to her! She has a wonderfully goofy personality that she tends to hide from others. She sometimes reminds me of a 3 legged giraffe-and that makes my heart smile! Chloe wouldn’t see a semi-truck if it were parked on her bed, and if you pointed it out to her she would ask “what do you mean? What truck?”-No joke! I love her very much and her antics make for a great laugh…after the fact.

Elijah is 2 ½ years old, very handsome and a daredevil…and he is 2, did I mention he is 2? Elijah gets into everything despite “child safety locks”, he loves dancing, running, and climbing, but even more, tractors, hi-yas (motorcycles), and having his picture taken. Currently Elijah is my weight loss plan-as I am literally running after him attempting to stop his destruction. Elijah is very loving and enjoys cuddling; he also has a very sneaky sense of humor that is developing more every day.

Addalene is about to be 3 months old. She is precious and I mean that more than just a doting mother J. Addie is a pretty happy baby and will watch away happily as her big brother and sister go crazy. She loves high pitched voices and mommy making a fool of herself to get a smile.

As for the “un-Superness” that is me, by the way I know God made me great and is still working on me; My house can be very chaotic, I don’t vacuum daily or sometimes even weekly, I only sweep maybe twice a week and almost never mop (unless I’m having company). Sometimes I pretend not to notice things my kids are doing that they shouldn’t be so I can get whatever Im doing done, or get a moment of peace-at least until they know I have seen them, then I have to do something…for instance the other day Elijah stole Addie’s pacifier and fell asleep-go ahead hate, but he slept for 3 hours and when he woke up the paci was gone and he had forgotten about it. I have made many unhealthy dinners and after Addie was born we ate hot dogs almost every other night for the first month. I do burn food and completely destroy some. I botch many recipes before coming up with a new great one-but that is better for you since I will give you the good recipe and you don’t have to throw away your food. I judge others, though I know I shouldn’t and I am working on that. I doubt my abilities as a mom sometimes and cry when I am “that mom at Walmart” (that I have judged before) or the mom that you see who cant seem to get it together with her kids, and you just sit back and watch thinking “wow, that poor woman needs help, but this is good entertainment”…or am I the only one who does that? Also I piss a lot of people of with my beliefs (though I am kinda proud of that) but I believe God loves us ALL regardless of our faith, orientation, past, or current circumstances. (That being said I do believe he longs for a relationship with us and any issues we have that he doesn’t agree with will most likely sort themselves out (given a true relationship)). All this “un-Superness” is in all honesty summed up in the word “mother” the good, the bad, the ugly, and the pretty, we all have areas in life that we feel imperfect in, and Im here to show you that you are not alone and we are all imperfect together. Knowing your faults and working on them and not letting them become your identity, while loving you kids unconditionally (as you will see in my adventures) makes us all “Supermoms” (or “Superdads”)! And being honest with ourselves and our kids will one day let our kids realize that too.