July marks the beginning of even hotter days and therefore Chloe doesn't like playing outside and Elijah wants to but no one is willing to go out there to watch him...except the bazillions of mosquitoes! It is also 1 month into hurricane season hear in the tropics of Texas, and that means fantastic thunderstorms, even when the storm hits hundreds of miles away. That said we got buckets of rain this last week...inside the house included. Elijah decided that said buckets looked like great swimming pools for him to take a dip in, and throw Chloe's stuffed fish into.
I hope everyone had a great and safe 4th of July. Here in our wonderfully country neighborhood the fireworks red glares were hitting our tree tops and our roof (couldn't hurt it much more right?)so the kids and I hid in the house blaring music and dancing to dampen the blasting booms. Bobby, having not been traumatized by fireworks as I have, watched the neighbors money burning in the air in 20 beautifully bright colors. -As for my trauma, there are so many bad "4th" experiences to choose from, I don't know where to start...babysitters driving drunk, 3 exploding and hitting me, and something about when I was younger...but I remember cars being chased...-
Right now I am working on a dress for Chloe. We are planning (hoping) to do a Prom theme dinner for our birthday on the 30th (same day for both of us!)The main part of her dress took all of 1 hour, while Addie and Elijah slept, that was 2 weeks ago, and since then I have hardly accomplished anything. I have about 30 minutes to an hour left on it, but as soon as I set up someone wakes up and its time to pack up again! Anyhow I plan to do it at 2am if necessary-just to be done with it. Its Hannah Montana meets Belle and Cinderella. The picture is of Cloe and Elijah climbing on my back as I try to hem and make flounces on the dress.
In honor of Independence Day, I am posting an American classic! Southern Style Mac N Cheese- Disclaimer! not to be eaten on a regular basis! Ultra yummy, however, it is macaroni and cheese...I guess if you are used to eating McD's everyday then this would be a step up in the health department though... Enjoy!
Baked Macaroni cost:$7-12 serves: 6* time:30 min
12oz package spiral or penne pasta
1 1/2 lb shredded cheese-I use a mixture or Mild Cheddar,Sharp Cheddar and Colby Jack (usually)
1 stick butter
1/2 cup heavy cream, half n half, or milk
2 T flour
1 package pre crumbled or 1/2 cup diced bacon
1 can corn-or 1 cup frozen (optional)
4 large garlic cloves -diced
1/2 cup onion-copped
1/4 cup chives
1 tsp cumin
garlic salt to taste
Prepare pasta according to package and add corn, garlic, onion and chives to boiling water (or you can saute them in the butter before making the sauce, I tend to boil them because it takes less time)Drain then pour into sprayed 13x9" or larger baking dish sprinkle bacon over the top (cold is fine). In the same boiling pan on medium heat add butter (saute veggies now if doing so) add cream, seasonings and 1 lb of cheese, mix until completely melted and smooth-if sauce is too tin add flour slowly 1 Tbl at a time and stir til slightly thicker-its cheese it will thicken as it cools...pour over noodles and mix together. Sprinkle remaining 1/2lb or cheeses on top. Broil until browned on top.
*for 2 more servings use a full pound of pasta, dont worry about the rest chances are you wont notice a difference in the cheesy-ness.
There are so many ways to change this recipe up, add green chilies, take out 1/2 lb of cheese, or add tomatoes and olives, have fun with it!
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